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Trucks like you've never seen before: beautiful art in public space

If you've recently seen trucks with works of art that caught your attention, there's a good chance they're part of the ART ON THE ROAD project, an initiative that makes art accessible to society. As part of the project, which was initiated by art curator Ronit Reik after she experienced a similar project in Madrid, she turned to local artists and called them to leave the private studio, change the medium for creation and the way of working, and paint on top of trucks. Rake harnessed the company Flying-Cargo, which saw this as an important contribution to the community, and even set up the company's logistics center, which became an artist studio, and chose to pay full artists' fees to the participants in the project.

The result is a kind of mobile museum that makes art accessible to the general public, with a new truck being added every few weeks. When I spoke with Rake, she explained that by the end of the year there will be 20 trucks on the road, and during the next year another 20 are expected to be added. Each work is an original by the artist, and the result is a collection of works of art in motion, which allow people who travel on the road to participate as passing spectators in original works of art, painted by Israeli artists who usually exhibit in museum spaces.

This project has been burning in Baronet Reik for three years, and during the corona, she found expression for it when she joined the truck company. She explains that in the future there will be an internet platform that will map the locations of the trucks, so that if you liked a certain piece of art you saw on top of a truck, you can follow it or recommend it to your friends.

Among the artists participating in the project: Ella Amitai Sadovsky, Karim Abu Shakara, the new Barbizon group of artists, Ruthi Halvitz Cohen, Shay Azoulai, Baez Noi, Asad Ezi, Itamar Flugi, Elad Rosen, Eli Shamir.

Meet the painters who leave the frame

Next in line to enter the list is a unique and new painting project in Israel that was inspired by a Spanish project of painting on trucks called 'Truck Art Project'. The 'Art on the Road' project, led by curator Ronit Reik, takes the paintings outside the walls of the museum or the house and makes them accessible to the public in all corners of the country using trucks from Flying Cargo, the company that also financed the costs and paid the artists' fees. The project started as a pilot for three painters who faced an interesting logistical challenge that forced them to paint in a large format of 7.5 meters wide and 2.5 meters high, and today, there are already 9 painted trucks roaming the country and 10 more are expected to join them in the coming year.

Jerusalem Post
Shamnat magazine, Haaretz
Jerusalem Post
  This week in the art world
Debbie Luzia

I love unconventional art projects and here is a lovely new on the go. Curator Ronit Reik initiated a collaboration with the Flying Cargo company, whose trucks travel on the country's roads. The company agreed to give up the company logo, which until today was written in huge letters on the sides of the truck, in favor of original works of art painted directly on the truck by leading artists, so that each truck is unique. The length of the truck is 7.5 meters and the height is 2.5 meters. It is painted on both sides. The company financed the materials and even pays a salary to the artists, who sign their original work on top of the truck. The artists who have painted so far are: Ela Atamit - Sadovsky, Itamar Fallujah, Asad Azi, Eli Shamir, Shay Azoulai, Karim Abu Shakra, Beaz Noi, Elad Rosen, Natalia Zorbova, Anna Lukasevski and Olga Condida. By the end of the year, 10 more trucks are planned for painting, all of which have already been coordinated with the artists. More will be drawn: Larry Abramson, Gilad Efrat, Ruthi Halvitz Cohen, Anisa Ashkar and more. Nice project! 

  Traveling Art

People who traveled in the country during the holidays (and a little before) may have come across painted trucks that roam the roads as if they were a luxury fleet of aircraft. Curator and cultural entrepreneur Ronit Reik is in charge of this original mobile exhibition, who invited selected artists to paint on top of the trucks, thinking of making art accessible to a wide audience all over the country, in an original way. According to her, the idea grew after the complete shutdown of the closure periods - and she sees the project as a tool to restore life to culture and culture to life.

  Art on the road comes to the 'fresh color' fair
Artistic trucks

These days a unique art project called ART ON THE ROAD is being launched, in which leading artists were asked to leave the private studio, change the medium for their work and the way they work and paint on top of Flying Cargo trucks.

The result is a mobile museum that makes art accessible to the general public, and enriches the space in which we live. Every few weeks a new truck is added to the art on wheels collection. Each piece is an original piece that reflects different styles, motifs and varied techniques according to the artist's choice, and a surprising and fascinating variety of works is possible.

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Also culture / here
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IDF Waves 
What will happen / Yoav Ginai
Flying Cargo, art ambassador on the road
"Art on the Road" project, art on trucks

You may have already come across unique trucks of the Flying Cargo company on the road, which initiated and allowed Israeli artists to paint on the sides of its trucks, thus turning the truck into an ambassador of their art. Expanded to a slightly different and no less interesting exposure. Another wonderful project that makes art accessible in the public space and makes our environment more interesting and aesthetic. 

Dill on a truck

Two unique huge works painted by the artist Eli Shamir on top of a truck were presented at the Israeli Art House, as part of the launch event of Dr. Gideon Efrat's new book: "Eli Shamir: Studies in His Works". Ofrat's book provides a comprehensive look at Eli Shamir's works over the past 40 years, and focuses on the artist's personal, existential and mental layer, and includes a special chapter dedicated to "Truck". Enjoy a closer look at the 'Art on the Road' project, in which leading artists paint on moving trucks, with the aim of making art accessible throughout the country: Ronit Reik, curator of the project, Idit Amichai, director of the House of Israeli Art, director Ben Shani - creator of the film 'Lullaby to the Valley', painter Nirvana Dabach, his student of Shamir, and the writer and friend of the valley Meir his.

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