Ella Amitay Sadovsky
b. 1964, Kibbutz Gesher, Israel; lives and works in Mesilat Zion, Israel.
A scientist, painter, and stop-motion video artist, Ella Amitay Sadovsky's work explores concepts pertaining to the "everyday," to "home," family, and identity, as well as the fixed aspects of routine and intimate human life.
Amitay Sadovsky began her career as a physical chemist, and specialized in materials science. Using her scientific knowledge, she combines recycled textiles and paint to create spatial and temporal illusions.
In the Flying Cargo truck project, Amitay Sadovsky painted two fantastic landscape scenes. The painting on the truck was done during the COVID-19 period. During this time the artist went on short hikes in the Jerusalem hills surrounding her home, where she could move around freely, without meeting people and without a mask, and feel nature from up close. These hikes gave rise to a series of works on paper, of which the painting on the truck is an extension. She applied layers of paint on the truck, separating the layers with stencils and masking-tape, which were removed at the end of the process to reveal the whole painting.
Holds a PhD in Physical Chemistry. Specialized in Materials Science at the Haifa Technion, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, and the University of California at Berkeley. Teaches at Shenkar College of Engineering, Design, and Art, Ramat Gan, Israel.
Recipient of the Ann and Ari Rosenblatt Prize for Visual Art from The Artists' House, Tel Aviv for the piece Seven. Her work has been presented in numerous solo and group exhibitions in leading galleries and museums, including the Israel Museum, Jerusalem; Petach Tikva Museum of Art, Israel; Haifa Museum of Art; the Open Museum, Tefen, Israel; Janco-Dada Museum, Ein Hod, Israel; Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; and Gordon Gallery, Tel Aviv. They are in private and museum collections in Israel and abroad.
Courtesy of Gordon Gallery, Tel Aviv & Jerusalem